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Lantern Floating in Hawaii

Over 50,000 people gathered at Ala Moana Beach for the annual Lantern Floating Hawaii ceremony on Memorial Day, Monday May 30. The theme for this year’s Lantern Floating Hawaii ceremony was « Sacrificed All to Preserve Liberty ». About 6,000 lanterns were set afloat Monday night. The Lantern Floating Hawaii ceremony brings together all races and ages from all over the world. The lanterns are a symbol of remembrance filled with much emotion.

What is it ?

Memorial Day in America is a day when people remember and honor those who have fallen in service to their country. In Hawai‘i, with its diverse population, traditions become easily adopted and assimilated into its rich cultural fabric. It is the norm for people in Hawai‘i, on Memorial Day, to place flowers and offerings on gravesites of loved ones who served their country as well as those of others who have passed away.

With the wish of creating cultural harmony and understanding, Her Holiness Shinso Ito, Head Priest of Shinnyo-en, officiated the inaugural Lantern Floating Hawaii ceremony on Memorial Day, 1999. For the first three years, the event was held at Ke'ehi Lagoon on the south shore of O'ahu. In 2002, the ceremony was moved a few miles down the coast to Ala Moana Beach where it has been observed every year since.

The ceremony

Shinnyo-en’s lantern floating ceremony was brought to Hawaii to coincide with the American tradition of honoring their victims of war on the special occasion of Memorial Day.

The 90-minute ceremony and program began at 6 p.m. It included Makaha Sons and the Shinnyo-en Shomyo and Taiko Ensembles. At 6:45 p.m., Her Holiness Shinso Ito, Head of Shinnyo-en, addressed the audience, followed by the lighting of the Light of Harmony. After the lighting of the Light of Harmony, the lanterns were set afloat onto the waters of Ala Moana Beach. Those attending the Lantern Floating Hawaii ceremony received a lantern to float. Other lanterns were placed in the water by volunteers that included special notes of remembrance.

My feelings

About 50 000 plus people from all walks of life and from all over the world came together for one common goal ; to pay respect to those who have gone on before us. If you do this event you will L

laugh and you will cry, but you will never forget this event. Its a once in a lifetime chance to be among thousands and thousands of people striveing for Love, Peace and Happiness. If theres anyway that you can attend this ; not to miss event . You will be so happy that you took the time to come out to pray for those who have gone before us or even if you have ill feelings of a divorce or a seperation or a break up, a loss of a job, ect ect. This will be the time to just let it go. Young and old alike will be crying. Sometimes we all just need a good cry and the fresh start.

Here you can watch the video 2016.

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